"The Fat Loss Workout"

The idea that you can do fat loss workouts is a total myth and stems from a misunderstanding of how the body loses fat.   

The amount of calories you burn in a session does not determine how good your session was or the results you will get from it and here is why.  

Fat loss occurs when you burn more calories than you consume consistently over time. While workouts can help burn calories, it’s the overall balance of energy intake and expenditure that determines fat loss. 

Your workout calorie burn makes up a very small percentage of the total calories you burn each day.  

60% actually comes from your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) basically doing nothing.  We are burning calories all the time.  Those that carry more muscle will have a slightly higher BMR and therefore burn slightly more calories than those carrying less muscle.  So don’t be scared of building muscle it can actually help you with your fat loss goals.  

20% comes from NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) ie doing normal stuff like walking, cleaning, cooking, fidgeting etc, those that move more will have a higher rate of NEAT than those that are sedentary so focus on moving more and increasing your daily steps if fat loss is your goal.  

10% comes from TEF (thermic effect of food) ie eating and digesting the food we eat daily.  

This then leaves 10% that comes from the actual exercise you do.  So in the grand scheme of things the amount of calories you burn in a training session whether it’s 300,400 or 500 isn’t really all that important for fat loss as it’s such a small overall percentage of your daily expenditure.  Yes it will help versus doing nothing but if your heavily focused on this number your missing the bigger picture on 1, How we can better create a calorie deficit and 2, The benefits we get from all types of exercise.  

Many people focus solely on workouts for fat loss and think specific exercises are better than others based on how “hard” it felt.  This attitude can hinder progress in the gym.  Everyone's body responds differently to exercise. Factors such as genetics, metabolism, and lifestyle all influence fat loss, making it unrealistic to claim that any specific workout guarantees fat loss for everyone.

Fat loss is best achieved through sustainable lifestyle changes rather than short-term workout routines. A combination of regular physical activity, positive lifestyle changes and balanced nutrition is more effective than any single "fat loss workout."

In summary, while workouts can contribute to fat loss, they are not a standalone solution. Effective fat loss requires a holistic approach that includes diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes that are worked on long term.  Throwing all your eggs into the exercise alone basket is not going to get you to your goals. Instead focus greatly on your nutrition and how you live your life day to day.  

Use training as your tool to get fitter, stronger, healthier, more muscular, more mobile, more determined and to feel physically and mentally your best.  

Shift the focus from how many calories you're burning per session to how many calories you're consuming per day and you will start to see better progress with fat loss.  

If you want a coach to help you with this and don’t know where to start hit the 
Enquire Now button below.


Barry Stephen

I have been working in the industry now for close to 12 years and I can honestly say I feel like the luckiest guy in the world being able to do a job that I absolutely love. In this time I have learnt from a variety of different people and I am continually reinvesting in my personal development in order to offer the best service possible to all of our customers. My family, my clients and the guys that work for me inspire me. Seeing them achieve results beyond what they thought were possible is a real motivation for me. I thoroughly enjoy working with everyday people and helping them in their journey whatever the goal may be. As well as being a personal trainer and gym manager I also work as a Strength and Conditioning coach having worked with athletes from many different fields. I spent 18 months in a part time role at Partick Thistle Football Club, which was a great experience. I have developed a passion for helping other Personal Trainers improve their skills, which is why I offer our educational workshops and mentorships. Ive won awards in this field and feel I have a large amount of experience and expertise I can pass on. I have also taught and assessed for Fitness Training Scotland delivering kettle-bell, gym instructor and personal training courses and have taught and assessed the Level 1 Weightlifting Course for British Weightlifting.

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