News & Events

BSPT Covid19 Risk Assessment

Written by admin | Sep 27, 2020 11:12:23 PM

Risk – Members/Staff not being able to social distance in reception area

Solution – Wear Masks on arrival and until you start exercising. One-way enter/exit system to avoid people bumping into one another. Seated area off reception closed to avoid gatherings. Signage displayed to help reinforce this.

Risk – Members/Staff not being able to social distance in changing rooms

Solution – Changing rooms are currently closed.

Risk – Members/Staff not being able to social distance within the gym

Solution – We have restricted the maximum number of people (including staff) allowed in the gym at any given time to 12. This is well below the maximum number that has been offered within the guidance set by the Scottish Government (18 for our gym space). We have clearly marked signs on the gym floor to reinforce social distancing rules around using machines etc. In addition, we also have 2 outdoor areas that have been created to allow more sessions to take place outside. All gym users must book via a booking app.

Risk – Members/Staff not being able to social distance at a group class

Solution – Numbers restricted to 10 (previously 20) and given set areas to train in.

Risk – Members sharing kit at a class

Solution – Classes have been adapted and also lots of new kit has been purchased so that every participant has their own kit for the whole class. This offers a great deal of comfort for our members knowing that nobody else will be using the equipment for the duration of the class and it allows the instructor much more control over maintaining the cleanliness of equipment.

Risk – Inadequate Ventilation

Solution – New Electrical Roller Door has been purchased to allow adequate ventilation at all times.

Risk – Staff having to safely spot or assist a client in close proximity (within 2m)

Solution – Staff to wear a face covering for these moments.

Risk – Members/Staff not being able to sanitise hands

Solution – 3 hand sanitizers have been fitted around the gym

Risk – Members/Staff not being able to clean down equipment after use

Solution – Multiple cleaning stations and products available.

Risk – Common touch points such as bins, door handles, card reader becoming contaminated

Solution – All bins have been upgraded to pedal bins, door handles sanitised regularly and card reader sanitised after each use. Where possible we don’t accept cash favouring online payments or touch less card.

Risk – A member/staff not knowing or forgetting a covid19 gym guideline

Solution – Various signage is displayed around the gym to reinforce the messages as well as regular updates to private social media pages and emails.

Risk – Staff not being able to social distance in the staff room

Solution – 1 member of staff allowed in the staff room at any one time