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The Benefits of Small Group Personal Training

Written by Barry Stephen | Feb 13, 2024 2:35:48 PM

In this blog post, we will explore the numerous benefits of Small Group Personal Training and why it can be a valuable investment for anyone seeking to improve their fitness and overall well-being.

1. Personalised Attention.  Small Group Personal Training allows for a more tailored and focused approach compared to traditional group fitness classes. With fewer participants, trainers can provide individualised guidance, correct form, and offer modifications to suit each participant’s specific needs and fitness level. This personalised attention ensures that participants receive the maximum benefit from their workouts, reducing the risk of injuries and optimising results.  The absolute maximum we will take in our small group personal training sessions is 5.  With more than 5 we feel that it’s not possible to offer personalised attention to everyone in the group and becomes more of a class setting.  

2. Cost-Effective.  Compared to one-on-one personal training, small group sessions offer a cost-effective alternative without compromising on quality.  Individuals can enjoy the benefits of personalised guidance at a fraction of the price. This makes Small Group Personal Training a more affordable option for those who may find individual personal training sessions financially prohibitive.

3. Motivation and Accountability.  Exercising in a small group setting fosters a sense of camaraderie and accountability. Participants can draw inspiration and motivation from their peers, creating a supportive environment that helps them stay committed to their fitness goals. The group dynamic encourages healthy competition, pushes individuals to challenge their limits, and promotes a positive mindset towards exercise. This sense of community and shared goals can be a powerful motivator to show up consistently and give your best effort.  Our groups are backed up with private what’s app and Facebook groups for added support around nutrition and lifestyle (at no additional cost).  

4. Variety and Fun.  Small Group Personal Training sessions often incorporate a wide range of exercises and training modalities. Trainers can design workouts that cater to the group’s preferences and goals, ensuring variety and diversity in each session. By introducing different exercises, equipment, and training techniques, participants can avoid workout plateaus and stay engaged. The element of fun and excitement in these sessions makes exercising more enjoyable, leading to increased adherence and long-term success.  We update our group programmes every calendar month.  

5. Social Interaction.  Unlike individual personal training sessions or working out alone, small group training provides opportunities for social interaction. Building connections and friendships with like-minded individuals who share a common interest in fitness enhances the overall training experience. Engaging in conversations, celebrating achievements together, and supporting one another creates a positive and inclusive atmosphere that can boost motivation and overall satisfaction.

6. Expert Guidance.  Small Group Personal Training is led by experienced and knowledgeable fitness professionals. These trainers possess the expertise to design effective workouts, provide nutritional guidance, and offer expert advice on various aspects of fitness. They can answer questions, address concerns, and provide valuable insights tailored to each participant’s goals. Having access to expert guidance ensures that participants receive accurate and reliable information, enabling them to make informed decisions about their health and fitness. Some of our team are the most experienced personal trainers you will find in Aberdeen. 

Small Group Personal Training combines the benefits of personalised attention, affordability, motivation, variety, social interaction, and expert guidance. It offers a holistic approach to fitness that not only helps individuals achieve their desired physical results but also fosters a supportive and empowering environment. Whether you are a beginner starting your fitness journey or an experienced fitness enthusiast looking for a fresh approach, Small Group Personal Training can be a highly beneficial investment in your health and well-being.  Sounds like something you would benefit from ? If so fill out the form below and we will get you started !