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Hyrox - Improve Your Performance - 10 Step Beginners Guide

Written by Barry Stephen | Sep 11, 2024 10:26:54 AM

Here's a 10-step beginners guide to improving your performance at Hyrox.

  1. Understand the Format.
    Familiarise yourself with the Hyrox structure, which includes various running and functional fitness elements. Knowing what to expect will help you prepare effectively.  Read up on everything, speak to those who have competed before and leave no stone unturned finding out what it all entails.

  2. Create a Training Schedule.
    Develop a balanced training plan that incorporates both running, strength training and mixed modular work. Aim for at least 2-3 days of running, 1-2 days of strength and 1-2 mixed modular workouts per week.  Periodise your plan so that you can be in your best possible shape come race time.  Personally I like to prioritise strength training initially and as we get closer to the event the  prioritise focus more on the demands of the event with less emphasis on strength.

  3. Focus on Running Technique.
    Work on your running form to increase efficiency. Consider drills like high knees, butt kicks, and various stride drills to improve your technique, efficiency and speed.  These can be incorporated into warm ups quite easily.

  4. Incorporate Functional Movements.
    Train with exercises that mimic Hyrox events, such as sled pushes, burpees, rowing, and wall balls. This will help you build the specific strength and endurance needed as well as hone your technique at these movements.

  5. Include Strength Training.
    Include compound lifts (squats, deadlifts, overhead press) in your routine to build overall strength. Focus on functional movements that engage multiple muscle groups.  When your stronger your more resilient and less likely to pick up injuries.

  6. Improve Your Endurance.
    Incorporate longer runs into your training to build aerobic capacity. Gradually increase your distance to prepare for the 8+ km you will run on the day and the likely hood the overall workout will last around 60-90mins.

  7. Implement Interval Training.
    Use interval workouts to improve speed and stamina. Alternate between high-intensity efforts and recovery periods to simulate race conditions.  This will help build endurance as well as improved your speed.

  8. Work on Recovery
    Ensure you have adequate rest days and recovery strategies in place. Stretching, foam rolling, and proper hydration can help prevent injuries and improve performance, 1-2 rest days per week should help keep the plan well balanced.

  9. Nutrition Matters.
    Fuel your body with a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Pay attention to pre- and post-workout nutrition for energy and recovery.

  10. Practice Race Simulation.
    Closer to game day the training plan should include compromised running sessions and also build up to full or partial Hyrox simulations to get used to the transitions between events. This will help you gauge your pacing and strategy for race day while getting used to the physical demands of running under fatigue as well as doing functional movements under fatigue. 

By following these tips, you'll enhance your strength, speed, and endurance, leading to better performance at Hyrox. Good luck with your training!

If you are looking for a coach to help you get prepared get in touch.  I already help a handful of Hyrox athletes at both Open and Pro level online and face to face and have a couple of openings available.

Get in touch today by filling out this form!